



Welcome to this Eigo Mimi sample, a Fruitful English Production.

My name is James, and for the next few minutes I will be providing your ears with
authentic, native English that you can hopefully learn a thing or two from.

For this sample I want to make you use your imagination for a moment.

Imagine for a moment that you are running on a beautiful street lined with cherry blossom trees. The morning air feels great on your face, and you are about halfway through your 30 minute run.

While taking a step, you notice your shoelace is untied. It’s annoying, but you have to stop running, bend over and tie it back up.

After doing so, you begin running again.

A few minutes later, it happens again. Your shoelace just magically became untied again. You bend down again, tie it up and start running one more time.

A few more minutes later, it happens again. Now I want to ask you a question. If this was you, what would you do? Try to tie your shoelace better so it wouldn’t come undone? Stop running altogether and just walk home, promising to fix your shoelace problem later? Just ignore it and keep tying them up over and over again.

Well the story I just told, is a lot like what a native speaker of any language feels when talking with someone that can’t understand what they are saying. Someone that always needs to say “What?” or the unnatural “Pardon?”

Having to explain yourself again, or even worse explain yourself in more simple terms, is not fun for anyone.

No matter what your reason is for learning English, I’m betting you want to speak smoothly with native speakers. That requires good listening skills. You can’t control how fast they talk. You can’t control the words they say. The only thing you can do is train your ears to understand what they say as much as you can.

That is what this podcast is made to do. Through episodes that last about 10 minutes, I talk about an interesting topic at a native speed so you can train those ears to hear and understand native English.

You might think 10 minutes sounds short, but I’ve found it’s the perfect length to keep your interest the first time through, and it is short enough for multiple listens to give you even more chances to train those ears.

If you want to improve your listening, you have to listen more. Eigo Mimi is the perfect way to do just that.

Thanks for listening to Eigo Mimi! Don’t let your studying stop here guys. Head over to FruitfulEnglish.com to keep working towards your English goals. See you next time!


  1. まずは意味をざーっと理解している状態で聞いてみて下さい。
  2. 聞き取れない箇所はきちんとスクリプトで確認してください。
  3. スクリプトなしでも聞こえるようになったら、聞こえたことをそのまま声にだしたり、書いたりする練習をしてみてください!







