【Nic先生の英語ブログを読もう!】Fall is in the air, and so is English!

【Nic先生の英語ブログを読もう!】Fall is in the air, and so is English!

Hey there everyone!


It’s October, and the crisp autumn air is finally here! This is the season when Japan truly shines with its beautiful foliage, delicious seasonal foods like chestnuts and persimmons, and the perfect weather for outdoor activities. Saying persimmons though, I’m definitely more of a mikan and apple person!

This summer, I had the pleasure of spending time in Germany, so I missed the most of the harsh winter here. The bustling city life was a nice departure from the lush greenery and tranquil environment of home. I also took this time to reflect on my teaching methods and how I can better support my students.


I’m excited to announce that I just launched my new course this autumn. This course is designed to help students master English through immersive and interactive lessons. It’s called my Summit Course and it’s all about giving students a fun way to learn and get used to confidently speaking English in real-life situations.

Learning a language is not just about memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules. It’s about understanding the culture, context, and nuances that come with it. That’s why my new course will include a variety of activities, from watching English movies and TV shows to participating in discussions and role-plays.


One of the key elements of successful language learning is motivation. When you’re passionate about what you’re learning, it becomes easier and more enjoyable. My goal is to make learning English fun and engaging, so you’ll look forward to each lesson.

I believe that everyone has the potential to become fluent in English. It just takes the right approach and a lot of practice. So, whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this course is for you. There’s always time to join me, so I can’t wait to see you online!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all online and helping you achieve your language goals. Let’s make this autumn a season of growth and learning!

Enjoy the beautiful autumn days, everyone!





フルーツフルイングリッシュで英語表現の楽しさ感じてください 。初めての方には英作文添削チケット2回分をプレゼント。



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日本の小中学校で英語を教えるALT講師Nic先生は非常にユーモラスな先生です。台湾でも英語を教えていました。どこでも適応できるのがNic先生が自慢ができること。「肉先生」と読んで欲しいとたまに呼びかけられるかもしれません。こんなコミカルで愉快なNic先生から楽しく英語指導を受けませんか? 座右の名"The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for."