Greetings fellow internet denizens!
It’s that time of year again! That’s right, it’s Halloween… No, wait… It’s Thanksgiving! No, wait… What time of year is it again?
All jokes aside, it’s my favourite time of year!
Of course, we all know what time it is! It’s Christmas time.
Now, if you ask me, Christmas time actually started on December 1st, exactly. I know that many of you, even here in Japan, started being bombarded with so-called ‘Christmas spirit’ way earlier than that, perhaps as early as the end of October. However, the real Christmas spirit doesn’t start until December, when the weather really turns frightful.
Even here on my little island, the whether has taken a turn for the worst. It’s now, without question, much more appealing to stay inside, wrap yourself in a blanket, park yourself under the kotatsu, and do some serious reading, studying, or other sedentary activity! And, Christmas is all about this type of relaxation, especially with family.
As many of you probably know, I spend the majority of my year away from ‘home’, which is nominally Vancouver. However, in my whole life, I’ve only been away from home for Christmas twice. That’s right! And, I can remember those 2 occasions vividly; I spent my first Christmas away from home in India. It was an amazing experience, despite becoming indescribably ill! I spent Christmas Day itself somewhere in the south of India, around the horn, and I spent the evening at a wedding, which I somehow got myself invited to by a person I met on the bus!
My second Christmas was no less exciting. In 2014, I spent the winter holidays away from my teaching job in Japan in Myanmar. On Christmas Day, I found myself camping on a remote beach in the south (what is with me and southern places eh!) with some total strangers! 2 of them were professional translators, and we have kept in touch since then!
Aside from those 2 occasions though, I haven’t missed a Christmas. And, despite the amazing experiences I had on those 2 holidays away, I don’t intend on missing another Christmas. So, even though it almost always involves flying halfway across the world, and enduring several layovers and economy seats, this year will be no different. I can’t wait to share some more experiences with you after another amazing Christmas at home!
I hope you all have an amazing holiday, however you celebrate it. Of course, after Christmas comes New Year’s, which is worthy of a complete post in itself. But that’s for next!
By the way, I’ll be listening to one of my favourite albums of all time: A Charlie Brown Christmas by Vince Guaraldi!

座右の名”The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.”