【Nic先生の英語ブログを読もう!】Dreaming of Tanegashima and more English Boot Camps!

【Nic先生の英語ブログを読もう!】Dreaming of Tanegashima and more English Boot Camps!

Time keeps marching on, doesn’t it? Hello there everyone, and it’s hard to believe that we’ve already went right through January and most of February as well!

I hope you’ve all been having fun so far this year!


As a quick update from me, it’s been a whirlwind of a start to 2022. I started the year in Hamburg, visiting my partner. Since then, I’ve returned to my hometown of Vancouver, Canada, but it’s only temporarily. Thankfully, vaccines are saving lives and opening the world, which means my partner can come visit me in the coming days. We were separated for more than 6 months at the beginning of the pandemic, but we’ve stayed patient and things are looking more positive for this year.



For those that don’t know, my partner and I, more than anything else, want to return to Japan and start our lives on Tanegashima. I first visited the island 5 years ago, and just like the rest of Japan, promptly fell in love. However, that pesky SARS-CoV-2 virus has had other plans, so we’ve been locked out of our island home. We have stayed patient though, knowing that Tanegashima is worth it, no matter how long we must wait.



While we wait, we’ve been planning more fun activities for the eventual return of our Tanegashima Boot Camp. My partner is a superlative cook, baker, and all things related to food. She’s as passionate about it as I am about English. Not only that, but she’s a polyglot, fluent in her native German, naturally, but also in English. So, she’s the perfect companion for our eventual Boot Camp reboot! We can’t wait to have both new and returning Boot Camp survivors to the island. We are planning multiple programs, for experienced survivors as well as beginners looking to see what our English program is like. We will once more be partnering with my friends at a boutique hotel on the island, renting the entire facility to enable a perfect, inclusive setting for students.


Until then though, I’ll be spending most of February and March putting the finishing touches on my ‘Talking Tech’ course, and ‘Science in English’ courses while I take a short break from my beloved students on our fantastic Skype + AI recording courses. I’m not sure how expansive my new courses will be, but those who have taken my Misconception Courses already know I tend to go a bit overboard when I write 😉! It’s all to give my students the best learning opportunities possible though!

Speaking of ‘going overboard’, I’m past my limit already! Thanks for reading to the end and I’ll see you next on this blog, Skype, or FE! Enjoy the Olympics too, and go Teams Japan and Canada!



フルーツフルイングリッシュで英語表現の楽しさ感じてください 。初めての方には英作文添削チケット2回分をプレゼント。



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日本の小中学校で英語を教えるALT講師Nic先生は非常にユーモラスな先生です。台湾でも英語を教えていました。どこでも適応できるのがNic先生が自慢ができること。「肉先生」と読んで欲しいとたまに呼びかけられるかもしれません。こんなコミカルで愉快なNic先生から楽しく英語指導を受けませんか? 座右の名"The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for."