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さて、今回のブログは、The Picky Eater「偏食家」です。
Hello, this is Simon.
My 2 year-old son had always eaten pretty well, which made us very happy. He would wolf down most things we put in front of him, and so he was a joy to feed. However, he has become quite the picky eater in recent months. He’ll turn his nose up at most things that we put in front of him. He has become a real little fusspot when it comes to his food.
At first he started to become a little choosy. He would happily eat something one night and then next night he would refuse. Even if we left it there in front of him for a while, he would just end up pushing his food around the plate. Currently the few things that are guaranteed for him to eat are white rice, broccoli soup, croquets, and bread. There are also a few things that he will eat on and off, but very little else. We are hoping it is just a phase.
For now all we can do is keep trying. The fact the he used to eat certain foods, hopefully means that he will come to eat them again in the near future. All we do is keep trying, and encouraging him to try things. My mother said that I was a real pain to feed as a child, but grew out of it in my early teens. Hopefully my son will follow in my footsteps.
“wolf down”
The expression to “wolf down” something means to eat food very quickly, often in a greedy manner
(e.g. He wolfed down the hamburger in seconds. It was as though he hadn’t eaten in days.)
“a joy to feed”
The expression “a joy to” + verb means that doing that thing to or with a particular person is very enjoyable
(e.g. Our grandson is so well behaved. He is a joy to have stay over.)
“picky eater”
A “picky eater” means a person who refuses to eat many kinds of foods and will only eat particular kinds.
The adjective “picky” means someone who is “difficult to please and only likes a small range of things”. Other variations are “fussy eater” and “finicky eater”.
“He’ll turn his nose up”
To “turn your nose up” at something means to reject it, usually because you don’t think it is good enough for you
(e.g. I made him stew for dinner, but he turned his nose up at it.)
It can also mean to look down at someone/something because you don’t think it is good enough for you
(e.g. He turned is nose up at most people he met at the get together.)
To be “choosy” means the same as to be “picky”, “fussy” or “finicky”
(e.g. She is very choosy when it comes to who she’ll have as a roommate.)
A “fusspot” is someone who is very fussy
(e.g. He is quite a fusspot with his wines. He’ll only buy certain wines from a few particular makers. )
It can also be used to describe someone who often “makes a fuss”, which means to complain or become angry about something unnecessarily
(e.g. He made a real fuss just because his order arrived a little late. It was quite embarrassing.)
“pushing his food around the plate”
The expression to “push one’s food around the plate” means to play with it but not actually eat it, indicating that the person doesn’t want to eat it
(e.g. Unlike his sister, who finishes meals in no time flat, he spends an hour or two pushing his food around the plate.)
“just a phase”
A “phase” is “a period of strange or difficult behavior that will stop after a while, especially a period that a young child or person goes through”
(e.g. During her teenage years, she went through a phase of not talking to anybody.)
It is finally starting to cool down at little. But, there are a number of bugs (illnesses) going around. Take care and see you next month!

Hello! My name is Simon.
I am from New Zealand, and have been living and teaching English in Japan since 1999.
My hobbies include movies, playing the guitar, gardening and hiking.