こんなにある⁉︎「引っ越す」の表現 !~Moving, Shifting, Relocating, Uprooting

こんなにある⁉︎「引っ越す」の表現 !~Moving, Shifting, Relocating, Uprooting

Life has many twists and turns, for me it seems to anyway.

I have moved house many many times in my life – my Dad has itchy feet, or perhaps gypsy blood, this means he cannot and could not stay in one place for long, so we moved house a lot when I was growing up.

Perhaps I inherited some of those traits.  Since coming to Thailand, I have lived in Bangkok…..

こんなにある⁉︎「引っ越す」の表現 !~Moving, Shifting, Relocating, Uprooting


Then shifted to Pattaya city…

scenery from Pattaya view point with curve beach

Then got a second house in Chantaburi province which we would go to and fro often to get out into the countryside…

こんなにある⁉︎「引っ越す」の表現 !~Moving, Shifting, Relocating, Uprooting

Now our baby is almost two, my wife wants to go back to work, and that means we have to uproot from the house in Chantaburi, and get a place in Bangkok, city of angels again(we will be keeping the condo in Pattaya as a beach getaway)…

One thing that is good about moving around is that you get to explore new places, find new spots and see things most people who stay in one place will never see.

That said, I do not want to move, shift, relocate, transfer, transpose or switch addresses anymore after this for quite some time and it would be nice to stay rooted to one spot for a while! Lets see how long this next place lasts…


フルーツフルイングリッシュで英語表現の楽しさ感じてください 。初めての方には英作文添削チケット2回分をプレゼント。



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長く日英翻訳に携わっており、どうすれば英語として自然かをうまく説明できる人気の講師!間違うことを恐れず、まずは書くことが大切であるというのをポリシーにしています。 座右の銘は「Never be afraid to always try new things and places, and enjoy life to its fullest.」