Hi, it’s Nic here!
It’s always a good time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished. Personally, I’ve had what you call a ‘whirlwind year’.
Using ‘whirlwind’ as an adjective is a great way to refer to durations of time. It’s used to describe a portion of time that passes quickly, usually because one is very busy.
For example,
I’ve had a whirlwind week.
This means that I think the week passed very quickly, likely because I was very busy or occupied with something, so I didn’t notice the time pass quickly.
So, back to me! My whirlwind year was absolutely jam packed. Interestingly though, my year started off fairly slowly. I spent January in Canada, relaxing and unwinding with my family. However, as those who know me will vouch for, I’m not one to relax. In fact, I hate relaxing and doing nothing. I always have to be doing something. I can’t stand sitting still. So, rarely watch movies, and the only time I watch TV or something else passive, I’m usually doing something else at the same time as well, like eating or reading!
So, my quiet January was a bit of an inspiration. I knew that I couldn’t sit around at home all the time! Instead, I began preparing my second course, and I booked my first flight of many. By the beginning of February, I was in Africa and working hard!
Furthermore, I’m incredibly proud of what I have accomplished lately! I couldn’t have done it without motivation though!
So, I encourage you to reflect. Are you proud of what you have done or what you’re doing? How about your English studies? What were your goals? Did you have any goals?
If you are proud of your progress in English, congratulations! But, don’t stop! Remember that consistency is the most important factor when learning a language. You have to dedicate yourself, and practice as much as possible. If you expose yourself to English every day, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you improve!
If you are a bit disappointed about your English progress, that’s ok too! You’re in the same position I was in before. Just think of why you’re unsatisfied. Is a certain grammar point still difficult for you, like articles or tense? Or, is a certain aspect of your skills unsatisfactory, like your speaking or listening?
Let this be your motivation though! Critically review your own progress in English, and decide what you need to change. We have a wide range of learning opportunities available at Fruitful English: live chat courses to help with your speaking; dedicated grammar courses to learn native phrasings; and audiobooks and recording services to help with your listening.

座右の名”The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.”