どっちを使う?間違えやすい英語ーMore Often Confused Words

Often Confused Words... Accept?or Except?もうこれで間違わない!

Hi everyone,

Let’s take a look at some more easily and often confused words…

Rodd先生のシリーズ前回の記事 「Often Confused Words… Accept?or Except?もうこれで間違わない!」を見逃した方はこちらからどうぞ!


Hear or Listen?

“To hear” means to experience sound. For example: I hear the rooster crowing every day.

“To listen” means to employ the power to hear. For example: Listen to the water dripping off the roof.


The verb “to hear” means to be aware of sound through the ears. For example: I heard a the man walk down the street; My grandma can’t hear much anymore.


The verb “to listen” means to purposely apply the ability to hear or to pay attention to a sound. “To listen” is usually followed by “to” or “for.” For example: Listen to the girl sing; The cat listens for the mouse; Do you listen to online lectures?


Many or Much?

Use “many” with a plural noun.

For example: Do you have many pencils? (“Pencils” is a plural noun.)

Use “much” with a singular noun.

For example: Do you have much money? (“Money” is a singular noun.)


The words “much” and “many” are most often used in questions or negative statements.

For example:

  • Will you need much help?(Question)
  • You will not need much sleep.(Negative statement)
  • How many sheep are there?(Question)
  • You do not have many sharp knives.(Negative statement)


For positive statements, the words “much” and “many” are mostly used with terms like “as,” “so,” and “too.”

For example:

  • You have as many pens as me.
  • You have so many cats.
  • I have too CDs to catalog.
  • I have so much money.




Advise or Advice?

-Advise is a verb which means “to give advice” or “to notify.”

For example:

  • Please advise me.
  • I need you to advise me. (Please give me advice. I need your advice).
  • I advised him I was leaving (I notified him I was leaving).


-Advice is a noun which means “help” or “a recommendation for a useful way to do things.”

For example:

It would be good to give her some advice. He needs her advice.


They are pronounced differently too…

Advise sounds like “size”.

Advice sounds like “dice”.


I hope some of these guides are useful for you, everyone stay safe and have a good February!



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長く日英翻訳に携わっており、どうすれば英語として自然かをうまく説明できる人気の講師!間違うことを恐れず、まずは書くことが大切であるというのをポリシーにしています。 座右の銘は「Never be afraid to always try new things and places, and enjoy life to its fullest.」