Guy Fawkes Night

Hi, Matt here!

With all the Halloween celebrations finished, everyone in Japan will be having a normal start to November. However, at this time of year in the UK, people are preparing for another celebration on the 5th of November: Guy Fawkes’ Night, also known as Bonfire Night.

This tradition celebrates the failure of a terrorist, named Guy Fawkes, to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November 1605. You might recognise the face of Guy Fawkes from the popular movie ‘V for Vendetta.’

This is one of the few nights of the year that it is common to see fireworks in the UK. You’ll also see some people burning large bonfires, and maybe children parading with home made mannequins of Guy Fawkes, which is then burned on the fire. Please see the attached picture.  

I don’t think that any other countries other than Britain celebrate this event. However, recently, as Halloween is becoming more and more popular, fewer people are participating in Guy Fawkes night events. There are also safety concerns about large fires! Unfortunately, this traditional event may soon die out. I encourage you all to read about this interesting traditional event online. It was always one of my favourite nights of the year when I was a child, but future generations might not experience it at all.



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