Hello everyone! It’s Kyle again.
Today I wanted to talk about something that I’m sure all of you have experienced before: motivating yourself to study.
If you’re like me, studying is very enjoyable most of the time, but sometimes I just can’t seem to find motivation to open my textbook and start studying.
Well, today I want to talk about two things I do to start my engines back up and flip the switch in my head to start studying.
1.Need to study? Don’t study!
This first thing I do is actually pretty contrary to the idea of studying:
I don’t study at all!
Actually, it’s not that simple, so let me explain. I often find myself knowing that I should study, but I just can’t find the energy or drive to do it.
I’m always half-in and have studying on my mind, but never commit to sitting down and doing it.
In times like this, I actually completely take the idea of studying out of my head.
I find that if I’m thinking about maybe doing it, I end up saying things like “Okay, I’ll start in 5 minutes”, and then 2 hours later I’m cooking or watching TV and never actually started.
Instead, what I do is not even think about maybe studying and get all the distractions out of my system.
I usually set a time for myself when I know I will start, and try and do as many distracting things as possible beforehand. That way, when it comes time to actually studying, there’s nothing to distract me since I’ve already done all the things aside from studying. Results may vary for you, but I find this method has certainly worked for me so far!
2.The Magic Pencil
The second way is actually my favorite of the two.
Whenever I find myself in a slump for studying, I go to the nearest bookstore and buy myself a new mechanical pencil.
The logic behind this is that if I go and buy a pencil that I think is cool or one that I really like, I’ll be motivated to put it to use by studying. This is my own personal method to motivate myself that I tell other people about all the time. Of course, it’s not a free method, but actually I think that works in favor of building motivation. If I take the time to go out and spend money on it, I would consider it to be a shame if I didn’t actually use it, so it motivates me to at the very least get my money’s worth! Furthermore, and this might be my own quirky and strange belief, but if I buy a pencil that I love and use all the time, I feel like all the knowledge I gain when I study is stored in the pencil, so it will bring me good luck if I ever need to take a test on the material I’m learning about. The only downside to this method is that you might build up quite a heft collection of pens and pencils!
What do you think about these two tips that I use to motivate myself to study?Have you ever done anything similar?When you feel your motivation levels are low, what do you do to get back into the swing of studying?Let me know!

座右の銘は「You only fail if you fail to try.」