ネイティブ子ども向けの英語言葉遊びゲーム”MadLibs ”遊び方 その1!
Welcome to the world of MadLibs!
MadLibs is a game that was invented in 1953 by a man named by Roger Price. It was originally created to be a children’s game, but it also works great as a fun little English exercise.
First, give this one a shot. (I recommend copying and pasting this to a different word document, but doing it in your head is OK too!)
Yesterday, my _____ went to the ______. She had to go there because she needed to buy a ____________. After searching for a few minutes, she found a _____ one. She knew she HAD to buy it so she _______ to the cashier, took out her ____ purse and took out some money. When she gave the money to the cashier, the cashier said, “You can’t buy this! This is a _________ !”
Please add whatever words you want here! You can be serious, silly, or something in between. Just try to make sure it makes sense grammatically.
Here is what I came up with.
Yesterday, my dog went to the mall. She had to go there because she needed to buy a bed. After searching for a few minutes, she found a dirty one. She knew she HAD to buy it so she skipped to the cashier, took out her bone purse and took out some money. When she gave the money to the cashier, the cashier said, “You can’t buy this! This is a human bed !”
英語虫食いゲーム“MadLibs”をもっと楽しむ遊び方 その2
Hopefully you had fun with that. Let’s not stop there! What if I gave you words that you HAD to use? That can sometimes make this game even more challenging and fun.
So your word bank is:
fish sister friend wife alien mall store pool restaurant tree cat CD player car computer new house beautiful ugly spotted dirty neon walked ran sprinted tripped flew cheap expensive amazing stolen human bed cat ice cream shiny soft squishy
The only rule is that you can only use each word once, and it has to make grammatical sense, even if it is silly!
This is what I came up with:
Yesterday, my CD player went to the tree. She had to go there because she needed to buy a cat. After searching for a few minutes, she found a cheap one. She knew she HAD to buy it so she flew to the cashier, took out her fish purse and took out some money. When she gave the money to the cashier, the cashier said, “You can’t buy this! This is a bed !”
“______ !” the man screamed after opening the _____ box.
How would you fill in those blanks?
You might choose something normal like:
“Beautiful!” the man screamed after opening the pizza box.
You could also choose something silly like:
“Disgusting” the man screamed after opening the treasure box.
You could also choose something totally random like:
“TV!” the man screamed after opening the cookie box.
仲間と楽しむ、英語虫食いゲーム”MadLibs ”はパーティにもぴったり!
So, while this isn’t really a serious way to study English, it can be a fun way to start a study session, and it works great at English meet-ups or conversation schools. To make it even more fun, if you do this activity in a group, be sure to make everyone read what they’ve written out loud!
Seeing silly answers on paper is one thing, but having them read aloud makes it even more fun.
Anyways, if you’ve read my stuff before, you know that I think having fun is the most important part of studying. MadLibs can be a great way for you to inject a bit more fun in your English study.
Have ____!
(a nice day/fun/a sandwich!)

メリーランド大学ビジネス学科卒業。アメリカの幼稚園で5歳以下の園児と長く過ごし、その後の銀行勤務では主にカスタマーサポートを担当。様々な人種・年 齢層の顧客とうまくコミュニケーションを図る中で培った一見フランクそうな英会話の中でも相手によって話し方、言葉の選択を変える英語力スキルを指導しま す。ジェームス先生から、アメリカのカスタマーサービスでも通用する英語コミュニケーションスキルを学んでください。日本語能力も日本人レベル。日本語能 力検定試験N1保持者。