タイトル:How much does education cost around the world?
The well-known British newspaper The Telegraph states that, The United Kingdom is one of the most expensive destinations for higher education. Due to the increase of the fees and the cost of living a degree in the UK can be worth the jaw-dropping €25 000 per year. The effects of Brexit are said to have an even bigger impact on the great deal young people who are hoping for a place at an English university.
イギリスの有名な新聞「The Telegraph」によると、イギリスは高等教育を受けるのに最も費用がかかる国の一つであるという。学費と生活費の上昇により、英国での学位取得は年間25,000ユーロという途方もない金額になる。ブレグジットの影響は、英国の大学への入学を希望する多くの若者にさらに大きな影響を与えると言われています。
(解説)文中のBrexitは、Britain exits from EU の意味で、学費にもイギリスのEU脱退が関係しているといっています。
Average cost in the UK and where is the cheapest
Regardless, future students can save thousands if they acquire a scholarship, or just choose another country among the diversity of new study destinations. The cheapest Master’s degree you can get is in Kenya, Bangladesh, Argentina, Norway and Poland, or even a diploma from India and Russia can be 5 times more affordable than one from the United Kingdom. In 2015, the annual fees and the expenses for living in India amounted to €4280, and for Russia they were €5250.
In a result of the increase of the annual fees from £3000 to £9000 (or from €3540 to €10 620), Britain ranked the 5th most expensive country for a higher education diploma.
Where is the most expensive education?
Still, there are a few more countries where higher education is even more expensive – Australia, South Korea, Singapore and the USA; in Australia, where it is the most expensive, every student needs to prepare an average of €32176 per year. Nevertheless, the “the Land Down Under” remains a favorable study location due to the government’s continuous investments for international education, student jobs and more affordable tuition fees. One year in China or France costs around €8300, in Brazil it is €9500 and in New Zealand – more than €15 000.
オーストラリア、韓国、シンガポール、アメリカなど、高等教育がさらに高額な国もあります。最も高額なオーストラリアでは、すべての学生が年間平均32176ユーロを準備する必要があるのです。しかし、「The Land Down Under」は、政府の国際教育への継続的な投資、学生の雇用、より手頃な学費のため、有利な留学先であり続けている。中国やフランスでの1年間の学費は約8300ユーロ、ブラジルでは9500ユーロ、ニュージーランドでは15000ユーロ以上です。
(解説)the land down underは、南半球に位置するオーストラリアのことを示しています。
The cost of your diploma in the USA
How much does it cost to study in a college or a university in the USA? The cost is between €18 000- €44 000, which includes tuition fees, cost of living and food expenses. However, in the States the existing scholarship and stipend system is quite effective, concerning the international students; they can cover the cost partially or fully. Student loans are also widely favored as well as other sources of financial aid available for the USA (international organizations, cooperation projects and worldwide relations).
Tuition fees in Asia
As for Asia, together with the continent’s increasing popularity as a study destination, the costs are quite intriguing. Taipei, located in Taiwan, is home to universities with average tuition fees of €3500 per year. With the addition of low living costs and a different educational system the city aims to set an example for a good balance between quality of education and expenses. Other Asian countries, including Singapore, Japan and Malaysia, are expected to become more affordable with the increase of international students and number of exchange programs.

地方の公立小~高校で普通に学び、必死の受験勉強の結果、英語が苦手な大学生になる。自分のように英語が苦手な生徒を助けたいという一心で、英語講師を目指す。1年間、英語の臨時講師をしながら資金を貯め、渡米。米国大学院にてTESL(英語教授法)を取得。2年間の留学を経て、地元で英語講師として18年間、中高大学生を中心に英語を指導中。英検1級、TOEIC最高点980 海外留学サポート、英語ディベート、英検・TOEICなどの資格取得のための指導も行っている。