今回は、Japan Times より、日本が再び世界に開かれるために必要なことというニュースです。
(引用元) https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/10/09/national/japan-reopening-expectations/
Japan Times Oct. 9, 2022 By Will Fee
タイトル:What to expect as Japan opens back up to the world
(解説)open back up to ~ 再び〜に開かれるようになる、の意味です。
After almost three years, Japan will fully open its borders again to foreign independent tourists and other arrivals on Tuesday — a move that many hope will galvanize the economy and kickstart the country’s post-pandemic recovery.
But having arrived at this stage via staggered increments, it can still be a little confusing for those outside Japan — many of whom have lost work or school opportunities, struggled to maintain long-distance relationships, or simply found themselves unable to enjoy a culture that they love — to figure out just how open the country will become.
(解説)galvanize, kickstart, struggleはニュースでも良く使われる表現です。
From Tuesday, Japan will completely lift its daily cap of 50,000 arrivals and recommence visa-free independent travel for those arriving from any of the 68 countries previously on its short-term visa-exemption list. Travelers from countries not on the visa exemption list remain subject to the same pre-pandemic entry restrictions.
(解説) commence/recommenceはどちらも覚えておきましょう。exemptionも旅行〜時事ニュースで幅広く使われる表現です。remain subject to~ はフレーズで覚えましょう。
Do I need to quarantine? What should I do if I get sick?
In principle, visitors will no longer be required to isolate upon arrival, meaning they can move freely other than in cases where they have been diagnosed with the coronavirus after arrival in Japan.
In the event a traveler to Japan suspects they may have caught COVID-19 following their arrival, the government recommends that they contact the Japan Visitor Hotline at 050-3816-2787 for an over-the-phone consultation with a health professional who will determine the severity of the case and offer advice on the next steps to take. The service is offered in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean.
other than~, in the case where,は使い勝手が良いです。ライティングにも使えます。
While overseas visitors may see Japanese individuals not wearing a face mask in public, a variety of cultural reasons — including for some, admittedly, attitudes toward foreign nationals — make it advisable for visitors to wear a mask in public situations, such as when riding crowded trains and buses and when entering hotels or restaurants, if only to avoid causing discomfort for those around you.
地方の公立小~高校で普通に学び、必死の受験勉強の結果、英語が苦手な大学生になる。自分のように英語が苦手な生徒を助けたいという一心で、英語講師を目指す。1年間、英語の臨時講師をしながら資金を貯め、渡米。米国大学院にてTESL(英語教授法)を取得。2年間の留学を経て、地元で英語講師として18年間、中高大学生を中心に英語を指導中。英検1級、TOEIC最高点980 海外留学サポート、英語ディベート、英検・TOEICなどの資格取得のための指導も行っている。