
Hi guys!  This is Beth!  How’s it going?



Have you ever used an English word thinking it was perfect, just to be told “you can’t do that”?  Maybe I can’t help in all areas today, but let me give a few tips on one topic!

I have noticed while checking English assignments lately that quite often words are shortened(cut)when they shouldn’t be, or shortened(cut)incorrectly!

In English, we DO shorten words sometimes, but how we shorten them IS important!
In Japan, English words are often shortened, but not always in the English way!  This can get confusing!

Let me give you a few examples, then a quick tip on how NOT to make a mistake in this area!

Don’t shorten these words!ネイティブ困惑!?こんな英語の省略形には注意!


Supermarket: don’t cut this one!

I know the Japanese スーパーmakes this one confusing!
“Super” in the U.S. means アパートの管理人!
As you can see, saying “I’m going to the super for groceries” doesn’t work!  We have to say the whole word “supermarket”!

Department store: this cannot be cut either!

The Japanese equivalentデパートseems to confuse many!  I have seen “I bought a gift at the depart”!
In English, “depart” is a verb meaning “to leave or take off”.  The whole word has to be said!  Be careful!

These words can be cut, but carefully!

Influenza: be careful how you cut!

The Japanese “cut”  version of インフルエンザ is インフル!
I have actually seen this one used in an English sentence(influ)!
Please don’t!  In English, the correct way is “flu”!
If you say “influ” to someone who knows nothing about Japan, good luck getting them to understand!

Personal computer: this can be shortened, but be careful!

I know a lot of us just call our computer a “laptop”!
Have you ever heard anyone use “PC”?  If you want to shorten, this is the way!
Don’t try to say or spell パソコン in English!  If you do, you’ll get a lot of “what?” looks!

Some other words to be careful with:他にもこんなにある間違えやすい英語の省略形!


リビング  : living room

ダイニング : dining room

オペ    : operation(also known as surgery)

アパート  : apartment

There are a lot more!  These are just a few that have come to my attention recently!

Watch out!辞書を使って正しい英語の省略形を学ぼう!


You might be thinking right about now:

“Ha!  I would never make mistakes like these!”  Watch out!  I see words “cut” incorrectly fairly often!

**If you’re not totally sure of how to “cut” an English word, check a Japanese-English dictionary(book or online)!  Quite often, even the shortened versions can be looked up!  My online dictionary will give me “the flu” for “インフル”!

It only takes a second!  Check before using!
Good luck!!

興味ある方は、是非フルーツフルイングリッシュの「無料英語テスト800問(解説付き)」を試してみてください!以下を今すぐクリック! If you want to learn more useful English, try Fruitful English "Free trial for 800 test questions and answers"! 以下を今すぐクリック!


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Hi! My name is Beth !! I  have lived in Japan for a really long time!! I am fluent in both English and Japanese, but with age (hahaha) am finding myself sometimes digging for words in both languages !!  I love anything that is not housework!! Teaching (helping others learn) is my favorite activity!?! I hope to make many new friends !! Feel free to drop me a “howdy! 座右の銘は、"God first! People next! Everything else after that!"