Hi, guys!! This is Beth with a unique topic for you!
First, do you know how to work (use) a remote? “Of course!” you say? Most of you probably know all the right words in Japanese! Can you do it in English?
I know!
You’re most likely thinking “リモコンでしょっ?”
For starters, you DO know that リモコン is NOT English, right? If you think “remote control” is kind of long, you can shorten it to “remote,” never リモコン, though!!
Easy so far? Great!!
Now, let’s talk about using one of these remotes in English!!
In my family, a variety of dialogues takes place on a daily basis! Both English and Japanese can be heard (often mixed)! The following are some examples:
Hey, could you grab the remote for me?
The DVD’s in the machine! Just hit “play”!
I don’t like this part! “Fast forward” it!
***いきすぎ! 少し戻して(巻き戻し)!
You went too far! “Rewind” it a little!
I need a drink! “Pause” it for just a sec.
Do any of these sound familiar to you? I’m guessing most people use one or more of the above expressions at sometime or another!
Next time you’ve got the remote in your hand, why don’t you try switching into “English” mode!! Good luck, and have fun!!
*******words and expressions you should challenge*******
*work/use the remote リモコンを操作する
*play / stop 再生する / 停止する
*fast forward / rewind 早送りする / 巻き戻す
*pause 一時停止する
***By the way, my kids and I watch most movies in English with Japanese subtitles(字幕) for パパ!!
To learn new English while still having fun click…

Hi! My name is Beth !! I have lived in Japan for a really long time!! I am fluent in both English and Japanese, but with age (hahaha) am finding myself sometimes digging for words in both languages !! I love anything that is not housework!! Teaching (helping others learn) is my favorite activity!?! I hope to make many new friends !! Feel free to drop me a “howdy!
座右の銘は、”God first! People next! Everything else after that!”