[4分で読める英語!] Dealing with goodbyes when travelling〜素敵な旅の出会いの最後に使える英語表現

Travelling is great!

The opportunities for new experiences are endless, and there’s always something, somewhere, or someone interesting!

You’re bound to experience all 3, but I would argue that the best thing about travelling is who you meet. You can see the most impressive places in the world, or accomplish the most impressive tasks, but the joy of travelling and experiences are sharing them.

So, picture this. You’ve been staying in a wonderful little bed and breakfast in New Zealand for one week, and you happen to make a great friend with an Australian who is doing the same thing as you: travelling around New Zealand and surfing. Well, what do you do when it’s time to say goodbye? Well, you can use these 2 great phrases of course.

By the way, these phrases are useful in lots of situations, such as seeing your friends after a long absence.

My personal favourite is keep in touch. This means to remain in communication with someone, or periodically update someone on your life.

For example,

          Let’s keep in touch. I would love to see you in Canada.

Even though you’re saying goodbye now, that doesn’t mean forever. So, use keep in touch to show that you want to remain in communication, even in the future.

Finally, you can also use this casual phrasing, to keep things open ended. Something is open ended if it’s not definite. Anyway, try this phrase:

          I’ll see you when I see you!

This sentence doesn’t really make sense, but that’s OK! We use it to be friendly and when we don’t know when exactly we will see the other person. But, we definitely hope we see them again!

So, after telling my friend that I would keep in touch, we said our goodbyes and said that we would each other when we see each other, sometime in the future, whether it be Canada or Australia!

Have you ever had a sad goodbye after meeting someone, and not really known what to say? These 2 phrases can help you out in English situations! All native speakers will understand!


So, don’t be sad; enjoy the world and communicate in English!


フルーツフルイングリッシュで英語表現の楽しさ感じてください 。初めての方には英作文添削チケット2回分をプレゼント。



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日本の小中学校で英語を教えるALT講師Nic先生は非常にユーモラスな先生です。台湾でも英語を教えていました。どこでも適応できるのがNic先生が自慢ができること。「肉先生」と読んで欲しいとたまに呼びかけられるかもしれません。こんなコミカルで愉快なNic先生から楽しく英語指導を受けませんか? 座右の名"The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for."