- 基礎単語・文法編
- よくある間違い防止編
- ライティング底上げ編

- 全部受講しないと効果がないのかな?
- どの順番で学べば良いのかな?
- 1つ受講したら、残りの2つの講座もオススメされるのかな?
- 受講回数は多いほうが当然ですが、知識量や深い内容まで理解が進みます。そのため3講座すべてを受講することも推奨しています。
Misconceptions happen all the time. Everyone makes them. They occur when we believe something to be true, but our belief or thinking is based on incorrect information!
For example, when I was a kid, I used to hate the water. I didn't like swimming, I hated taking baths or showers, and I would never, ever enjoy going to the beach. Then, something changed. I lived abroad, and discovered more of the world! Specifically, I did a research project in Australia, and I took up surfing. When I returned, and told them that I wanted to go to one of the famous beach areas near our house, they were shocked. I hate the beach. "Why would you want to go to the beach!" they said. Well, this was a misconception of theirs. I returned from Australia a different person, and based on incorrect information that they held about me, they had a misconception of me! Don't let this happen to you!
As an English learner, you are in a great position. Some native speakers will make the errors you see in this course. It may surprise you, but even native speakers have misconceptions about their own language! However, they don't know it, and they will never change! Luckily, you can change. Since you're learning English ‘fresh', with no preconceptions, you can learn things the correct way! Even if you have misconceptions now, they are usually easy to fix. You just need to be shown the correct way.
Most importantly though, you need to have an open mind. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. In fact, making mistakes, and asking questions about those mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. By engaging yourself in your errors, and actively trying to correct them, you can increase your ability to retain information.
Also, remember that learning English is about communication. You want to be able to communicate your ideas and your feelings to everyone, no matter where they are. However, you won't be able to do that if you make errors! You want to be able to communicate yourself, but you want to be accurate!
We live in a world where it's possible to communicate with people around the world. You can communicate with people from a huge variety of cultures, with their own customs, traditions and social values. So, it's even more important that you learn to communicate accurately. It's OK to make mistakes about other cultures. That's what happens when you experience something new! I can't count the number of times I've had misconceptions about countries, and then learned better after I visited them. People understand mistakes. However, you must be able to express yourself clearly. If you can communicate clearly, then you can explain your intentions!
In this course, we will focus on ‘real' English situations. We'll look at some of the most common English words there are, such as go and come, as well as words like very and so. We'll also look at making your writing more advanced, and working on common misconceptions that Japanese learners have about sentence structure.
I can't wait to teach you everything I know, and enable you to have great experiences in the world. We live on an amazing planet called Earth. Let me give you the tools to experience it!

今まで、『I have few friends』 とか『I have much to do today』 という英語を使ってきませんでしたか?これらの表現は不自然なんです。正しい表現はどうなるでしょうか?
多くの日本人が、『〜できるようになった』=『come to be able to』を使います。しかし、もっと自然でシンプルな言い方があります。にも関わらず、不自然な英語表現を選ぶ人が多すぎます。
『〜かなあ/〜かしら』=『I am wondering〜』で始まる文章を見かけます。ほとんどの日本人が正しく理解していない表現の一つです。
この表現を正しく使うにはある一つの秘密があります。正しく理解されていない構文も、ほんの少しのコツで正しくなります。 -
彼は常に、「会社に行かないと」と言う時、『I have to go to my company』と言うのです。完全におかしい表現です。
たくさんの言い方がありますが、ここでも役立つのはあなたがもう知っている単語です。 -
- 『I come there by train』=『電車で来ました』
- 『He went there by bike』=『自転車で行きました』
この講座では、特に誤解が多い基本動詞が持つ基本的なニュアンスを徹底的に理解してもらいます。 -
ネイティブがこのような時に使うのは『anyone』なのです。この講座では、日本人がとにかく場違いな場所で使いすぎな単語を、someone、everyone、something、 anywhereなどを使って、どうTPOに合った表現にするかのルールを教えます。
だから「今日どこかに行こう!」と言いたい時も、日本語の「どこか」に引きずられて『Let's go somewhere tomorrow』なんていう事もなくなります。
『some』と『any』に関する誤用は、日本人がよく間違うTop mistakesの一つです。
『Some students in the class were confused』 も間違いです。この文章はどう直されるべきなのでしょうか? -
The student told his/her teacher the correct answer.
正しい英語は、あなたが今まで知らなかったかもしれませんが、なんと、The student told their teacher the correct answer. なのです。単数でもtheirを使うのが正解です。
あなたは、This year, I will improve my English. とか、 Yesterday, I took my son/daughter to the park.と、時間を表す言葉から書き始めていませんか?ちょうど日本語でそうしているように。これこそ多くの日本人の英語の特徴です。
なぜ、ネイティブのように、I will improve my English this year. とか、 I took my son/daughter to the park yesterday.と書く必要があるのでしょうか?それはなぜでしょうか?そしてあえて日本人が書くように書く時はどのような時なのでしょうか?
- I'll show you the way to the train station.
- Tell me the time you will arrive.
- I'll show you how to get to the train station.
- Tell me when you will arrive.
あなたに、相対副詞 how、why、when、wherever、whomeverなどの正しい使い方と使うべき場所を教えます。そのため今後はより正しい表現を使う事ができます。
辞書と文法だけの組み合わせではたどり着けないネイティブと同じ英語表現ができるようにします。 -
I am going to the beach today, and I met my friend yesterday.という文章はなぜダメなのか分かりますか?
あなたは、この講座を受ける事で、節(前後半の2つの文章がなぜこの位置ではだめなのか?なぜカンマが必要なのか、正しい接続詞の使い方など文章に関するすべてを学び直すことができます。 -
It was the first time to travel for me to another country.
ある意味魔法の呪文のようだと感じます。まるで、これが決まりきった唯一の型かのように?日本人は、for me, to me, そしてIやweの正しい使い方さえ知らないように思えます。
日本人はなぜかit to構文やIt that構文が大好きです。
『It was difficult for me』 と『I thought it was difficult』は何が違いますか?そして、English is difficult for me. この講座で学べば、もうこんなおかしな表現を二度としないで済みます。
I find English difficult. とか、I don't think English is difficult!というようにネイティブがしているのと同じように、自然に表現できるようになって下さい。日本人は常に英語に触れる環境にないので、ある程度は文法面から文章を組んでいく必要があります。

受講生が苦戦しやすい例文 編英語Misconception克服ブック Misconception2 Vol.1は、前講座「英語Misconception克服講座 基礎単語・文法編」の復習の場となっています。
I noticed that you got a haircut.とI realized that you got a haircut. はどちらが自然な表現か分かりますか?
MORE英語Misconception克服ブック Vol.2
類似単語の違いがわかる例文 編英語Misconception克服ブック Misconception2 Vol.2から今回の講座用に、様々な新しい内容を取り上げています。thereとitの違いから、thatとthis、hereとthereの比較を豊富な例文を使って行っていきます。
Volume 2 is an expansion of the previous course, and describing a situation with there and it. However, we go even more in depth, and look at describing people, places and the world more naturally! There are lots of misconceptions related to this topic, and here are 2!
1. this vs thatThis section is actually part of a larger section, where we cover other phrases like here vs there. In fact, it may be one of the most common misconceptions of all! Here’s a quick lesson!
This - in the context of space and time, this is a pronoun used to refer to something relatively close to the speaker, such as the most recent event, or something physically near the speaker.
Will you come to the party this weekend?
We use this to refer to the closest weekend in time, which is the upcoming or weekend of the current week.
Look at this dog by my foot.
Since I'm referring to a dog very close to me, by my own foot, this is used to emphasise this close physical distance.
That - once more, we use that as a pronoun. However, that is used to emphasise something that is not close in space or time, such as something far away from us, or occurred a long time before or will occur a long after the present time.
Did you go to the party that weekend?
In this case, that weekend is a bit unclear. However, what is clear is that the weekend you are t referring to did not occur recently. That is, the party occurred a relatively long time ago in the past.
Look at that dog by your shoe.
In this case, it’s not clear how far away the dog is. However, it is clear that the dog is closer to the other person, and farther away from the speaker. For example, if this was a conversation, the dog would be closer to the person being talked to, and farther away from the speaker!
2. Come vs goThis section is part of another larger section, covering other verbs like bring and take, as well as get and be.
Go - used to describe movement away from the speakers current or usual location.
I will go to work in 1 hour.
Notice that we use go here to emphasise travelling away from our current location. That is, we are not at work now, and are not usually at work, but we will travel there in 1 hour.
Come - used to describe movement towards a location near, or common and familiar to the speaker.
I will come home from work in 1 hour.
The key information here is home. Since home is a common or familiar location for the speaker, it is the place they live, we use come to refer to movement towards this location, and away from work which is a less common or familiar place.
Here’s a common mistake:
Can you go to my house in 30 minutes?
Remember who the speaker is in this sentence. Here, the speaker is asking the other person to travel to their home. That is, the speaker wants the other person to travel to their own home, towards themselves. So, we use come to refer to movement towards a location near or at the speaker’s location.
Can you come to my house in 30 minutes?
MORE英語Misconception克服ブック Vol.3
形容詞 VS 副詞 編英語Misconception克服ブック Misconception2 Vol.3 のフォーカスは形容詞と副詞です。形容詞と副詞関係のmisconception、意外にも多いんです。
もしかするとあなたも気付かずにこのような誤解をしているかもしれません。例えばsoは英語のなかでもっとも誤用が多い単語の1つです。次の一見正しそうな文章、なぜ間違いかわかりますか?We had to stay so late at the office today.
例えば、大学の図書館、公園のベンチといった表現をする際に、「library of the university」「bench in a park」ではなく、もっとシンプルに「the university library」「park bench」と言えるようになりましょう。
Misconceptionではありませんが、あなたの英語をもっとシンプルで分かりやすく、ネイティブの響きをもつものにするために、この機会にあなたも名詞を形容詞のように使う方法やルールを習得しましょう。For this volume, we focus on adjectives and adverbs. There are a surprising number of misconceptions related to their use, especially regarding adjective structure.
1. Using so as an adverb.Aside from this and that, using so is one of the most commonly confused words in English!
This is because its use is related to context.
Normally so has 2 common uses:
1. to describe an extent, or how one thing affects the other. This is commonly used with another clause and the relative pronoun that.
He is so tired that he can't walk.
This sentence shows the result of the person being tired. That is, he is very tired, and he is unable to walk as a result of his tiredness.
2. emphasis in informal sentences.
I am so hungry today!
In this case, so is used the same way as adverbs like very or really, to emphasise the degree that I am hungry.
The most common misconception is related to 2. This is because of context and use. This is only used in informal sentences or situations. Also, so is very strong, and usually only used to refer to how we feel, rather than actions.
For example,
We had to stay so late at the office today.
Notice that so refers to late here. However, late is referring to the action of staying late. This is unnatural.
I was so angry because we had to stay late at the office today.
This is the difference between using so with feelings compared to actions. Notice that it’s fine to use so angry, as angry is an adjective describing my opinion of staying late.
2. Using nouns as adjectivesThis is not a misconception, but rather a way to make your writing simpler and more advanced. It’s common to use some nouns as adjectives. We cover many ways in the textbook, but the most common way is using locations.
In general, we can use the larger location or place something is located as an adjective. That is, if something is located within something else, we can use the larger object, or the object that contains the other object as an adjective. This commonly replaces prepositions like of or in
This is easier with examples:
library of the university
Instead of using of to connect these nouns, notice that the noun university is larger. That is, the university contains the library. So, we can write the following:
the university library
Here’s one more example:
bench in a park
Again, notice that the object bench is located inside a larger area, which is a park. So, we can more simply write:
park bench
There are many rules for this type of simplification in English, and it’s one of the best ways to make your writing more natural! We cover them all in the course!
シンプルに表現できる文章力 編英語Misconception克服ブック Misconception2 Vol.4 からは文の構成に関するmisconceptionを紹介しています。
misconceptionが理由で文が必要以上に複雑になっているかも?より自然でシンプルな文が書けるよう、文章力アップを目指します。Volume 4 is focused on sentence structure. We focus on making your sentences more natural by changing the structure. In addition, we look at ways of making structure simpler, and thus more natural! One of them is actually a continuation of our look at adjectives in Volume 3.
Here are 2 ways to make your writing more natural by changing your structure!
1. Using proper nouns as adjectivesHere’s a topic that may be unfamiliar for many Japanese speakers. In English, we can actually use proper nouns as adjectives.
Remember that proper nouns are names for individual people, places, organizations or other unique objects, that are referred to with a capital letter. For example, Nic is a proper noun, because it’s the name of an individual person: me!
So, a common misconception is the following:
She went shopping at the shop of Fruitful Company.
Notice that Fruitful Company is a proper noun. It’s written with a capital letter, and Fruitful is the name of an individual company. So, rather than using of to connect the noun shop with the company that the shop belongs to, we can write the following:
She went shopping at the Fruitful Company shop.
Without using a preposition, we can use Fruitful Company as an adjective by placing it before the noun shop.
Here’s one more:
He always drank his coffee from his cup made by Starbucks.
Notice that we can simplify this even further. Not only can we replace the preposition by this time, but also the verb make as well!
He always drank his coffee from his Starbucks cup.
There are a few more cases of using proper nouns as adjectives as well, that we talk about in more detail in the text!
2. Writing positive and negative information when using conjunctionsThis is a common mistake, and one that is very important to avoid. This is because it can lead to misconceptions in meaning!
Let’s look at a sentence. What does the following mean?
The presentation was not difficult to understand and good.
if you use not to refer to difficult first in the sentence, before the adjective good, this means that the negative form not also refers to good. This is because you use the conjunction and. So, the meaning of this sentence is the same as the following:
The presentation was not difficult to understand and the presentation was not good.
If you think about the meaning, this is a bit strange! Not difficult to understand is a probably good for a presentation, so also saying the presentation was not good is strange!
Instead, this is what the writer meant to say:
The presentation was good and not difficult to understand.
There are many other examples of this, and writing positive and negative information in sentences. We also compare the use of the conjunctions or and and when writing sentences with positive and negative verbs! This is another common misconception!
強調・強弱 編最終の英語Misconception克服ブック Misconception2 Vol.5 では文に強調・強弱を加える方法を学んでいきます。
For our last volume, we look at ways to create emphasis in your writing. There are many ways to do this, and we already looked at using adjectives before in Volume 3.
However, we will look at ways to create more focus on the subject, and to emphasise meaning.
Here are 2 great ways.
1. Passive voiceIn terms of grammar structure, this is by far the most commonly confused subject by Japanese writers.
How many times have you written sentences like the following:
We can see beautiful cherry blossoms in Japan in spring.
With recordings, we can listen to Nic’s example sentences at any time.
Do these sound natural? They shouldn’t! Can you tell why?
There is one common element between these sentences: we. Remember that we refers to yourself, and a group of 2 or more people. However, who is being referred to with we here? Exactly! It’s not clear. In fact, it doesn't matter who is being referred to. In these sentences, it’s not important who the action. Instead, the most important part is the action itself.
This is where we use the passive voice:
Beautiful cherry blossoms can be seen in Japan in spring.
With recordings, Nic’s example sentences can be listened to at any time.
There are many more examples and uses of the passive voice, and more misconceptions! We cover lots of them, and I guarantee by the end of my course that you'll have a much greater understanding of this frequently confused topic!
2. Using possessives more naturallySimilar to our look at the passive voice, there are many, many uses for possessives. However, one of the most natural ways is to use possessives to replace phrases like to someone or for someone. We’ll look at only one case here, but it’s perhaps the most commonly used. The only problem is, it’s not the most natural way to phrase this sentence!
Have you ever written the following?
Last year was the first time for me visiting/to visit Canada.
This is acceptable, but not the way a native speaker would phrase this. In general, we try to place important information first in the sentence. An example of ‘important information' is who or what information relates to.
In the above sentence, the information first time to visit/visiting Canada refers to the person speaking. That is, it refers to me. However, we can place this information earlier by using the possessive:
Last year was my first time visiting Canada.
This is much better! By using my first in the sentence, the reader more quickly knows who the reader is referring to: themselves. Then, the information about the writer comes after. Notice that only the gerund form visiting is used, to refer to an action that occurred in the past.
We look at other uses of the possessives, mainly to simplify and make your writing more natural!
I hope this brief introduction helped you learn a little bit. Do you have any of the misconceptions that I mentioned! That’s OK if you do! Making mistakes is the only way to learn! Remember that this is only a small part of my course, so I'm looking forward to looking at even more misconceptions, and showing you ways to make your writing more natural!
- 選んだ英文と翻訳内容が模範作文と一致したか自動添削する自習英作文
- ディクテーション形式

座右の名"The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for."
- 出身
- カナダ
- 学歴
- University of British Columbia, Combined Major in Science
- 職歴
- Assistant Language Teacher at Public Junior High School and Public Elementary School in Shizuoka Prefecture Japan.
Native English Teacher at International English School in Taiwan
- 趣味
- Guitar, surfing, mountain biking, travelling, trying weird things discovery
Hey my name is Nic! After living in Japan and teaching English at junior high and elementary school in Shizuoka, I decided to keep working in Japan, and now correct English here on Fruitful! I love travelling and learning about new cultures so be my pen pal or write me so I can learn about you, and maybe you can learn something too! Keep trying! Take chances, make mistakes. The only way to learn is to make mistakes. Every time you do something wrong, you learn something new. Don't worry and have fun. Can't wait to read your writing, and help you learn English. It is the most useful language in the world and I hope it can open up an entire world of new opportunities.
特典 01
特典 02
一生涯、更新料なしで繰り返し使えるオンライン問題集もぜひご活用下さい。この問題集は、「英語Misconception克服講座 よくある間違い防止編」で学ぶ1項目ごとがオンライン問題集になったものです。
特典 03
- この講座で提出した課題に対してのみ有効です。
- いただいた質問は、講師が他の受講生の学習に役立つを判断した場合、終講レポート等に掲載させていただく場合がございます。
特典 04
- チャットに投稿された質問にはできるだけ早くお答えする予定ですがリアルタイム返信ではありませんのでご了承ください。
- この講座の学習目的から逸脱したご利用はご遠慮ください。
特典 05

東京都 M.S.さん 58歳 男性
- 役立ちそうか?
今までも漠然と疑問に思っていたことが明確になりました。 - 添削内容について
非常に丁寧かつ迅速でした。 - 予習テキストについて
東京都 M.T.さん 62歳 女性
- 役だちそうか?
普段の英作文で何気なく使っていた語句が不自然だということがわかりました。これは、ただ直されただけであれば、あまり記憶に残らずまた同じミスを繰り返しがちですが、テキストで詳しく解説されていて、なおかつ添削でもなぜおかしいのか回答をいただけたので、しっかりと理解することができました。 - 添削内容について
迅速丁寧で、満点だと思います。 - 予習テキストについて
詳しく書かれていて、例文も豊富でボリュームもあります。 - チャットルームについて
Thank you very much! I really enjoyed your Misconception2.
長野県 T.S.さん 35歳 男性
区別しにくい文法や語法について、よく理解できるようになったこと。 また、認識していなかった重要な事項についても詳しく説明していただけたこと。
- 役だちそうか?
今までもやっとしていた語の区別などが、理解できるようになりました。4技能全てに役に立つ、役に立っていると思います。 - 添削内容について
とても良かったです。 いつも速く返って来てすごいと思っています! どういう考えで書いたか忘れないうちに返ってきますし、内容も分かりやすいので、本当にありがたいです。 - 予習テキストについて
とても良かったです。内容も分かりやすいし、取り上げる項目もとてもよいです。以前に説明したなどの関連事項が載っているところも記載されていて、これも助かっています。 - チャットルームについて
他の方の質問がとても参考になるなあと思っています。 - 「質問し放題」について
- 商品名
- Nic先生の英語Misconception克服講座<よくある間違い防止編>
- 内容
- マンツーマン添削指導<全12回>
- テキスト<全5冊>
- 「英語Misconception克服ブック」Vol.1
- 「英語Misconception克服ブック」Vol.2
- 「英語Misconception克服ブック」Vol.3
- 「英語Misconception克服ブック」Vol.4
- 「英語Misconception克服ブック」Vol.5
- オンライン自習アプリ
- テキスト内のフレーズを音声付きで、穴埋めテスト・ディクテーション・自習添削の3つのモードで自習できます。
- オーディオブック
- テキスト内の英文を音声で聞くことができます。
- セミナー
- 開講期間の中旬にNic先生によるセミナーを開催します。
- 質問し放題
- 月額3,080円(税込)x 6ヶ月分、18,480円相当額を無料付与
- 添削結果について疑問がある個所を無制限で質問できます。
- 当講座の課題にのみ有効です。
- いただいた質問は、講師が他の受講生の学習に役立つと判断した場合、終講レポート等に掲載させていただく場合がございます。
- 講座専用SNS
- 受講生が担当講師と質問などをやりとりし全員とシェアできる専用のチャットルームにご招待します。
- 終講レポート
- 講座終講時に受講生からのQAを整理したもの、各課題の作文例、ポイント解説、よくある間違いを中心にまとめたレポートを配布します。
※当講座は「Nic先生の英語Misconception講座 2」という講座名で販売していたものです。順番で受講する必要がないため講座名を変更しましたが、講座内容は、今回から新たに加わりましたセミナー以外はすべて同じです。
- 料金
<お支払い回数> 以下から選んでいただけます。
受講料金69,300円 x1回払い→ 59,400円<税込> x1回払い
受講料金35,343円 x2回払い→ 30,294円<税込> x2回払い
※お支払い総額: 60,588円
受講料金23,793円 x3回払い→ 20,394円<税込> x3回払い
※お支払い総額: 61,182円
受講料金12,243円 x6回払い→ 10,494円<税込> x6回払い
※お支払い総額: 62,964円
- 定員
- お申し込み期間
- 受講期間
開講日 2024/08/05(月)
※教材「英語Misconception克服講座2 vol.1」配布予定
第1回 8/12(月)
第2回 8/26(月)
第3回 9/9(月)
※教材「英語Misconception克服講座2 vol.2」配布予定
第4回 9/23(月)
第5回 10/7(月)
※教材「英語Misconception克服講座2 vol.3」配布予定
第6回 10/21(月)
★セミナー 11/3(日) AM10:00-12:00
第7回 11/4(月)
※教材「英語Misconception克服講座2 vol.4」配布予定
第8回 11/18(月)
第9回 12/2(月)
第10回 12/16(月)
※教材「英語Misconception克服講座2 vol.5」配布予定
第11回 12/30(月)
第12回 1/13(月)