Learning English
the fun way



- しばらく学んできていて、壁にぶち当たっている気がする。
- 中級レベルだけど、ライティングでは講師から、‘Unnatural phrasing’ と指摘されることがたくさんある。
- 英会話レッスンでシンプルなことが思うようにいかないままで、間違ってばかりいる。
この講座では集中的に進めていくので成果がでます。幅広い教材を取り扱うのはもちろんですが、この講座ではセクションごとにまとめていきます。例えば、形容詞、前置詞、文の構造、small talkといった感じに進めていくので、あっという間にそれぞれのセクションで、段階的に上達を実感できます。
また、このサミットはあなたと私と1対1なので、あなたが苦手なセクションがあれば、そこに時間をかけてじっくり取り組むことができます。例えば、あなたにはボキャブラリーが豊富にあっても、講師から、‘So, how have you been these days?’と聞かれてカジュアルにsmall talkするときに、困ってしまうという場合。単に、‘I’m fine thanks, and you?’と応えるのではなく、シチュエーションに合わせたよく使うフレーズ、‘I’m doing swell, how ‘bout you?’ や、 ‘It’s been crazy these past few weeks.’を使うことができますよ。
1〜3ヶ月目 - 文法と単純な間違いを正す
I think it won’t rain.I don’t think it will rain.
My boss recommended me to stay late and finish the project.My boss recommended that I stay late and finish the project.
suggest/recommend/propose/ask など、一般的な動詞を使った文の正しい構造を確認し、実際に正しく使えるように修正していきます。
I don’t care if we reschedule the meeting. When are you available?I don’t mind if we reschedule the meeting. When are you available?
to care about something, to mind something or to worry about something など、シンプルな表現の意味の違いを確認し、don’t worry は don’t mind とは同じ意味ではない理由を見ていきます!また、to be ok や to be alright など、 problems や troubles を表す時の似たような形容詞についても見ていきましょう!
- roll / roar
- bull / dull
- tear / teal
- loll / lore
- schedule
- gill / girth
- Jerry: I don’t know how you can eat that spicy chicken.
- George: George likes spicy chicken.
- Jerry: What was that?
- George: I said, ‘I like spicy chicken.’
- Jerry: No, you said ‘George, likes spicy chicken.’
- George: No, I didn't.
- Elaine: Yes, you did! You said, ‘George likes spicy chicken.’
- George: … George is getting upset!
- Building arguments
論点の組み立て方 - Persuasive phrasing
説得力のある言葉遣い - Expressing opinions/disagreement
個人の考えや反対意見の伝え方 - Asking questions
質問の仕方 - Apologising and asking for forgiveness.
Course philosophy

The most important part of learning is motivation.
Motivation has a lot of different meanings. When learning a language, motivation is the same as ‘using’ it.
Learning a language is a long, long process, with seemingly endless vocabulary and variations in grammar. Of course, you can learn something by repeating it again and again. But, that’s not efficient.
The best way to learn something is to motivate your brain to learn it. But how?
By having fun and using it!
What you can learn with me

This course will cover many aspects of English, but all the topics will be introduced with real examples and situations that are relevant to the student.
All the materials will be practiced with projects throughout the term. These projects will be ‘presentations’ with a specific situation.
For example, ‘You want to convince your boss to give you a raise. How do you communicate this?’ or ‘Your coworker asked for your advice on their new project, but you think it needs work. How do you give advice?’
A note to students: though this course will be fun, that doesn't mean it will be simple. You want to learn English and improve, so I’ll also be very strict. You can expect to make noticeable improvements within 1 week.
In the first lesson, we will identify areas to work on, and we will focus on these areas throughout the summit course. By continually focusing on problem areas with strict teaching and corrections, you will see immediate progress!
This Summit Course is for YOU!

Target students: You might be wondering, “Is this course for me? Can I really improve in this course?”
Well, does this sound like you? Have you been learning for a while, but you feel stuck?
Maybe, you are an intermediate learner, but in your writing, you get lots of ‘Unnatural phrasing’ suggestions from your teacher. Or, you have conversation lessons, and you still struggle with some simple points every time, and make consistent mistakes.
Well, this course is for you!
This course will help you because it’s focused. Of course, we will cover a huge range of material. But, the course will be divided into different sections, like adjectives, prepositions, structure, small talk, etc. So, you will quickly see your progress and improve each point, step by step.
Plus, since this is a personal course, if you have trouble on one section, we can spend extra time on it. For example, maybe you have a large vocabulary, but you have trouble with casual small talk when your teacher asks, ‘So, how have you been these days?’ Instead of simply saying, ‘I’m fine thanks, and you?’, you can respond with some common phrases depending on the situation, like ‘I’m doing swell, how ‘bout you?’ or ‘It’s been crazy these past few weeks.’
Since we will cover all these topics with fun projects and individual assignments, it won't feel like studying either: it will be fun. In the first lessons, I’ll ask about your goals and how you want to use English. Then, I’ll modify the course to fit your needs, giving you realistic situations and backgrounds. You won’t just repeat grammar and words. Instead, you'll use everything in relevant ways, which will drastically improve your learning speed!
I want you to take your English to the next level, and have fun doing it at the same time.
Studying is hard and takes effort, but it doesn't have to feel like ‘work’ either! Come have fun and get over your intermediate hump with me!
Suggested lesson flow/possible materials
Months 1 - 3 - Grammar and correcting simple errors!
1Students start with my Misconception Courses.
If they haven’t taken the courses, they will do the normal assignments. If they have taken them, I will provide brand new assignments to review the content.
Here are a few common errors you can improve:
I think it won’t rain.I don’t think it will rain.
We will look at the proper structure of using ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ words in your sentence, in order to speak naturally.
Here are a few common errors you can improve:
My boss recommended me to stay late and finish the project.My boss recommended that I stay late and finish the project.
We will look at proper structure of very simple and common verbs like suggest/recommend/propose/ask and the correct way to use them.
Here are a few common errors you can improve:
I don’t care if we reschedule the meeting. When are you available?I don’t mind if we reschedule the meeting. When are you available?
We will look at the differences between simple words like to care about something, to mind something or to worry about something, and learn why saying don’t worry is not the same as don’t mind! We will also look at similar adjectives like to be ok or to be alright, to describe problems and troubles!
2Practicing pronunciation by reading together: several options available or by student request me see their overall level.
Students can provide their own material, and a variety of material from popular books to current events will be available, ensuring a variety of content to learn from.
My first suggestion for all students will be the Harry Potter series. Each book in the series is written at a different level of English. Depending on the level of the student, I will suggest one of the 7 books, with Book 1 being the easiest, and the final book in the series being the hardest.
3Students will have simple homework assignments daily:
This will always have a specific goal. It can be free writing or simply making sentences with a target grammar, but each assignment will focus on one phrasing or grammar topic to help students improve.
4English conversation lessons that practise all aspects of English:
Lessons start with pronunciation practice.
Here are a few important points of pronunciation that we will cover. Can you accurately say these word pairs and words?
- roll / roar
- bull / dull
- tear / teal
- loll / lore
- schedule
- gill / girth
Listening practice, by answering questions about a text.
Teacher reads the headline and summary of a text. Students listen and try to answer questions.
Student reads full text themselves.
Vocabulary and phrases in the text will be taught and practised.
Final free talk about the text
This helps students practise their conversation skills.
For the final lesson of each week, students will give a short presentation about a text of their choosing. It can be one of the texts covered in class, or an article of their choosing. The teacher will give feedback and comments about the presentation, and ask questions. This will develop the student’s comfort level, and help them get used to using English in situations with more ‘pressure’, compared to the regular conversation lessons.
5Special English lessons
Watching English shows together, and learning the various phrases.
Students will choose their favourite English and Japanese shows. Instructor will choose a scene to practise from the show, and use it to teach various English phrases. If a Japanese show is selected, the student will pick their own scene, and attempt to translate the scene into English either before or during the lesson. The instructor will correct their translation and give suggestions for improvement.
Here’s an example of a conversation between 3 characters in a TV show:
- Jerry: I don’t know how you can eat that spicy chicken.
- George: George likes spicy chicken.
- Jerry: What was that?
- George: I said, ‘I like spicy chicken.’
- Jerry: No, you said ‘George, likes spicy chicken.’
- George: No, I didn't.
- Elaine: Yes, you did! You said, ‘George likes spicy chicken.’
- George: … George is getting upset!
This conversation is funny, and it can be used to emphasise a very important point in English communication!
In the second session of the course, students will learn more about general conversation strategies and using English in different situations. Rather than specific grammar, we will look at using English in specific situations and appropriate phrasing in those situations.
Topics will include:
- Building arguments
- Persuasive phrasing
- Expressing opinions/disagreement
- Asking questions
- Apologising and asking for forgiveness.
Months 7 - 9
Students who reach this level will be approaching the ‘native’ level, and will be subject to even stricter teaching. Students will continue to learn the core skills to becoming a native speaker, such as pronunciation and learning how to respond quickly.
In addition, we will start looking at more diverse English material. Students at this level will learn both academic English and very casual, conversational English that is used by native speakers in everyday speech.
This will give students a truly well-rounded grasp of English, and enough to reach ‘native’ level if they complete all the materials.
Summit 商品詳細
商品名 | サミット コーチング&マスターマインドプログラム Nic先生 |
内容 |
料金 |
個別面談・学力診断費用とサミット本体の受講料の2つのお支払いが必要です。 デポジット 5,500円(税込み) 個別面談・学力診断(1時間半〜2時間)を受けるための受講料としてデポジットが必要です。 サミット本体受講料 個別面談・学力診断が終了した1週間以内に、サミットプログラム本体へのお申し込みフォームをご案内しますので決済の上、お手続きください。 <受講料金> |
定員 |
募集枠:5名 |
お申し込み期間 | 2月1日(土)まで |
個別面談・学力診断 |
面談期間 |
必要なもの |
- 「個別面談・学力診断」にお申し込み頂いても、サミット本体参加が義務となる事はございません。
- 本体のお申し込みには別途メールでご案内するキャンペーンIDが必要です。